Good sleep is a cornerstone of health and wellness. At Somnus Sleep Wellness, our sleep therapists provide the insomnia solutions that you need to enjoy restful nights in bed and feel energized during the day.

Many people with sleep difficulties or insomnia suffer in silence for months or even years. Some think it’s a part of life they just have to deal with. On the contrary, seeking advice from a caring and knowledgeable sleep specialist can set you on the road to being a good sleeper in as short a time as several weeks. All without sleeping pills or major lifestyle changes.

If you are suffering from sleep difficulties and searching for solutions, please leave your contact details or drop us a message on WhatsApp, and we will respond shortly.

Take your first step towards personalised insights of your sleep health today

Sleep is a vital pillar of your health, but one that most people have little insight into. The first to be offered in Singapore, this brief and affordable Somnus Sleep Health Screening is designed to give you a snapshot of your current sleep health. With our personalised recommendations and actionable tips, your road to sleep wellness starts here!

Find relief from insomnia with cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia

CBT-I is the recommended frontline treatment for insomnia, and often provides a lasting solution to this problem. Under this therapy, you will learn how certain patterns of thought and behaviour lead to difficulties falling and staying asleep. We will then work with you to break these habits and restore your natural sleep cycle. You should expect to see improvements in your sleep within several weeks of commencing this therapy.

Transform your sleep with mindfulness-based therapy

Tested by science, it has equivalent effects to CBT-I and may be more suitable for those with certain types of insomnia. MBT is a structured program designed to help you pay attention to your relationship to sleep, and step out of automatic habits that may be perpetuating the cycle of insomnia. In this therapy, you will learn mindfulness practices and attitudes, and use these skills to help you break your sleep-disrupting habits and transform your relationship to sleep.


Discover a Personalised Approach to Better Sleep

Start your journey in sleep wellness now. Get the latest tips on enhancing your sleep quality delivered directly to your inbox. You will gain exclusive early-bird access to our newly launched Sleep Wellness Workshops and Courses. Subscribe now to get started!