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When it comes to our photography philosophy, it is not just about capturing an event or merely a picture, rather it is all about capturing the moment and freezing that feeling forever. We found that being closer to our clients not only elevated their experience but made way for incredible moments we could capture as friends with cameras. After all, the person closest to you in your wedding who’s not in your wedding is your photographer, and we have found that many of those “epic moments” didn’t just happen without a little nudging and directing.

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Število slovenskih spletnih igralnic se je povečalo tudi zato, ker ima država visokohitrostno internetno omrežje in lahko veliko ljudi svoje priljubljene spletne igre igra na svojih telefonih in tabličnih računalnikih. Zato so se številne igralnice začele osredotočati na razvoj iger v živo in drugih spletnih različic tradicionalnih iger na srečo. Te vključujejo blackjack, ruleto, poker, baccarat in druge igre s kartami. Nove različice teh iger so zaradi 3D grafike in prenosa v živo veliko bolj prijetne. najboljše kazino online v Sloveniji igralcem ponujajo širok izbor iger. Ponujajo vse od rulete in blackjacka do igralnih avtomatov in video pokra. Te igralnice imajo tudi različne načine plačevanja, med katerimi lahko igralci izbirajo.
Najbolj priljubljene možnosti so glavne kreditne kartice in elektronska denarnica, kot sta Skrill in Neteller. Slovenci pa lahko uporabljajo tudi svojo lokalno valuto in druge digitalne valute. Več tujih igralnic sprejema tudi igre na srečo v Bitcoinu in svoje storitve ponuja tudi slovenskim strankam.
Ena najpomembnejših stvari, ki jih je treba iskati pri iskanju varne in zanesljive spletne igralnice v Sloveniji, je njihova podpora strankam. Najboljše spletne igralnice bodo imele predstavnike, ki govorijo vaš jezik in razumejo vaše skrbi. To vam bo zagotovilo, da bodo vaše težave rešene hitro in enostavno, tako da boste lahko brez težav uživali v igranju svojih najljubših spletnih igralniških iger.
Druga stvar, ki jo je treba upoštevati, je programska oprema, ki jo uporablja igralnica. Številne najboljše spletne igralnice v Sloveniji uporabljajo programsko opremo vodilnih razvojnih podjetij za iGaming, kot sta NetEnt in Playtech.

Онлайн казино игрите в България са безопасни и сигурни и предлагат огромна гама от вълнуващи възможности, на които играчите да се забавляват. Независимо дали предпочитате слотове, казино на живо или игри на маса, има по нещо за всеки в най-добрите български казина.
Държавната комисия по хазарта редовно лицензира нови оператори, което дава свобода на избор на местните играчи. Тежкото данъчно облагане на оборота обаче накара много онлайн оператори да преосмислят бизнес плановете си.
Ако искате да играете в българско онлайн казино, важно е да изберете такова, което е лицензирано от държавата. Това ще гарантира, че получавате възможно най-доброто хазартно изживяване, като същевременно оставате в безопасност и сигурност. Освен това ще можете да се насладите на набор от игри и бонуси, без да се притеснявате, че финансовите ви данни ще бъдат откраднати.
За да могат да предлагат услуги на играчи в България, всички онлайн казина трябва да бъдат лицензирани от Държавната комисия по хазарта (ДКХ). Тази агенция наблюдава и регулира индустрията и гарантира, че всички казино сайтове са безопасни и защитени за всички техни потребители.
Законността на хазарта в България се регулира от Закона за хазарта от 1998 г. Този закон е закон на Европейския съюз, който позволява на местни и международни компании да организират и управляват хазартни дейности в границите на страната.
БГ казино онлайн казино игрите са безопасни и сигурни и предлагат огромна гама от вълнуващи възможности, на които играчите да се забавляват. Независимо дали предпочитате слотове, казино на живо или игри на маса, има по нещо за всеки в най-добрите български казина.
За да могат да предлагат услуги на играчи в България, всички онлайн казина трябва да бъдат лицензирани от Държавната комисия по хазарта (ДКХ). Тази агенция наблюдава и регулира индустрията и гарантира, че всички казино сайтове са безопасни и защитени за всички техни потребители.
Законността на хазарта в България се регулира от Закона за хазарта от 1998 г. Този закон е закон на Европейския съюз, който позволява на местни и международни компании да организират и управляват хазартни дейности в границите на страната.
Съгласно това законодателство хазартните игри са разрешени от фирми, регистрирани в България или други страни от ЕС, и организации с нестопанска цел, упълномощени от Националната комисия за регулиране на ЮЛНЦ и Държавната данъчна служба. Освен това ДКХ издава лицензи на български и чуждестранни оператори, които желаят да работят в странатаопит.
Преди да получи лиценз, компанията, която иска да предлага онлайн хазартни услуги, трябва да отговаря на специфични изисквания и да плаща данъци на българското правителство. Тези такси са значителна част от разходите, свързани с управлението на онлайн казино, и се използват за финансиране на образователни и социални програми.
Освен това българските сайтове за онлайн казина трябва да се придържат към най-строгите мерки за защита срещу изпирането на пари. Сайтът също трябва да е базиран в България и всички плащания да се извършват в българската национална валута.
Правителството обаче не успя да регулира успешно пазара на онлайн хазарта през последните години. Това се дължи главно на високите данъци, които държаха много международни оператори извън пазара.
За да преодолее този проблем, българското правителство намали данъците през 2013 г. и въведе по-благоприятна структура на данъците и таксите. Това беше първата стъпка към привличането на международни оператори на българския онлайн хазартен пазар.

Casinos en ligne en France
Les casinos en France sont très différents des casinos aux États-Unis, du moins en termes de ce qu’ils proposent et de leur fonctionnement. Pour la plupart, les casinos français sont à but non lucratif, et vous ne trouverez pas de casinos en France qui prolongent les marqueurs des joueurs ou leur prêtent de l’argent avec lequel jouer.La plupart des casinos français sont incroyablement petits, en termes de taille. En fait, la plupart d’entre eux sont plus petits que de nombreux casinos locaux et régionaux aux États-Unis, surtout en ce qui concerne le nombre de machines à sous.Ils ne sont pas non plus aussi grands que certains des plus grands casinos de villégiature au monde, tels que Las Vegas et Atlantic City. En fait, la majorité des casinos individuels en France sont assez petits, avec un total d’environ 50 à 200 unités par propriété.En ce qui concerne les jeux d’argent, les lois en France sont relativement strictes et n’autorisent pas certains des jeux les plus populaires au monde, comme les machines à sous vidéo. Cependant, il existe de nombreuses autres options disponibles pour les joueurs français.Les casinos en ligne en France sont une bonne option pour ceux qui veulent jouer à des jeux de casino mais qui n’ont ni le temps ni les ressources pour se rendre dans un véritable casino terrestre. Il existe de nombreux sites Web différents qui s’adressent aux joueurs français, et ils sont tous très sûrs et sécurisés.Les meilleurs casinos en ligne français sont réglementés et surveillés par un organisme indépendant, ils ne sont donc pas susceptibles d’être manipulés ou d’autres activités illégales. De plus, la plupart de ces sites utilisent le cryptage SSL pour protéger vos informations contre les pirates et autres criminels.Vous pourrez jouer en français et en anglais, ainsi que dans d’autres langues. Vous pouvez également effectuer des dépôts et des retraits dans plusieurs devises, y compris en dollars américains et en euros.Il existe plusieurs façons de jouer dans ces casinos en ligne, et vous pouvez même obtenir de superbes bonus de leur part. Ces bonus vous aideront à démarrer du bon pied et vous permettront de gagner rapidement de l’argent réel.La plupart de ces sites ont un personnel anglophone, vous n’aurez donc aucun mal à parler avec les gens à l’autre bout. Ils sont tous assez professionnels et peuvent vous aider avec toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir sur le site ou les jeux qu’ils proposent.Ils seront en mesure de répondre à toutes vos questions sur les jeux et vous fourniront également des trucs et astuces pour maximiser vos chances de gagner. De plus, ils peuvent vous offrir un bonus de casino gratuit ou un bonus sans dépôt pour essayer leurs services.Une autre chose que font ces nouveaux casinos en ligne en france est d’offrir une variété de différents types de jeux, ainsi qu’un large éventail de limites de paris. Cela permet de s’assurer que tout le monde peut trouver quelque chose qu’il aime, quel que soit son budget ou sa capacité de jeu.Dans la plupart de ces casinos, vous pourrez trouver des machines à sous traditionnelles à rouleaux et vidéo. Vous pourrez également trouver plusieurs machines de vidéo poker, ainsi que quelques jeux de table différents.

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Zanim zaczniesz szukać w kasyna Paysafecard, musisz najpierw wypracować wiarygodną liczbę, którą jesteś w stanie osiągnąć w odniesieniu do kwoty depozytu i tego, ile spodziewasz się grać. Dobrym okresem do pracy jest 30 dni, ponieważ większość ofert wygasa po tym czasie. Jednak tygodniowe kwoty są również przydatne, niektóre kasyna dają mniej niż 30 dni na rozliczenie.

Jeśli jesteś początkującym graczem w jednorękiego bandytę, trudno będzie ci się w tym połapać. Właśnie z tego powodu musisz znaleźć najmniejszą kwotę zakładu w najdłuższym okresie.

Możesz twierdzić, że to jest to, czego powinieneś szukać w każdym bonusie, ale czasami większe oferty są mniej przyjazne dla użytkownika, ale nadal nie są poza zasięgiem.

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In Nederland is online gokken momenteel nog verboden. Er wordt echter gewerkt aan nieuwe wetgeving die het mogelijk moet maken om online gokken te legaliseren en te reguleren. Bedrijven die een vergunning willen verkrijgen om online kansspelen aan te bieden, moeten aan strenge eisen voldoen om de spelers te beschermen tegen de risico’s van gokken.

Our ultimate goal is doing more than just capturing your special moments. We wish to deliver an unparalleled experience. We aim at treating every wedding like it’s our own and every moment is extremely precious. This is why you’ll notice that the first question we ask are about you, because your story, is just that…. yours.

One of the major advantages of having a luxury photography company shoot your wedding, is that every little detail is thought through so you don’t need to worry. Coordinating with the decorator , DJ, the planner and the venue, we create a synergy where we can remove any obstacles from your day and all work towards one end, creating a beautiful epic wedding that you’ll remember. Our energy on a wedding is different, and it lets us create a vibe that is unparalleled. Add to that an incredible wealth of knowledge about lighting and your wedding will take on a new depth that it wouldn’t have had. Having shot celebrity weddings all over the world, there’s a reason the most particular clients in the world hire PTaufiq to shoot their big day.

With a team that spans the U.S., Mexico, Europe, India and Asia, we have the ability to do your wedding anywhere in the world and not have to fly an entire team down to do it. It also means your engagement shoot can be anywhere you happen to be taking a trip to, it gives you the ability to have a team that already knows all the most amazing spots in the world to shoot with you, and to have a keen insight into

Looking for a luxury wedding photographer that will travel to any destination in the world to get the perfect shot with you? Connect with P.Taufiq photography for the best wedding photographers and videographers to capture epic photos that will leave your friends asking who did your wedding.



Click the images below to view some of our favorite photography from the greater Boston New England area. Get a glimpse into some of the photos that make up how we capture your special day

WEDDING Videography

Creative Wedding Cinematography

PTaufiq Photography launched it’s wedding videography company due to overwhelming demand. What we found is that Photography and Videography both stand to gain so much when we work together under one vision in a coordinated fashion. Not only do tell your story with photos but now we can capture every moment in both photo and video in a way that is both seamless and yields amazing results.

Our team of videographers and editors works in a way to make sure we capture your vision for the way your day will go, and many times we drive your vision home for you by helping to create moments for you both to connect and in the process giving us an amazing palette of emotions to paint your video with. With drones, 4K Cinema cameras, and cutting edge technology, we show you a perspective of your wedding that will leave you wanting to hit replay over and over.



Tailor-made Indian Wedding Pricing & Packages

We found that being close to our online casino customers not only enhanced their experience, but also created incredible moments that we could capture as friends with our cameras. After all, the person closest to you at your wedding, who is not at your wedding, is your photographer, which we can be for you by equipping all the lighting and setting up the frame while you play fastest withdrawal online casino canada without stressing these questions. So our photography philosophy is not just to capture an event or just take a picture, but also to give you the opportunity to relax in an online casino before such an important event.

Indian Weddings (in addition to beautiful South Asian Weddings) have definitely become a specialty where we have captured the market. Given our company’s history and Pervez and Nicole Taufiq’s ethnic background, it made it easy to be able to bring our unique style and vision to Indian Weddings. With a keen understanding of both ceremonies and cultures, we know exactly what moments are momentous. It’s no wonder that PTaufiq Photography has become a luxury brand team that handles high-end Indian Weddings all over the world. Take a look at our  Indian Wedding Photography along with Indian Wedding Videography pages for more information.

At PTaufiq Photography, our team has captured hundreds of Indian weddings all over the world of every different regions and religions all over India, whether Hindu, Sikh , Muslim, Punjabi or Gujarati we have the experience to know what’s important to you and your families. During our wedding season, our team captures 5 to 6 Indian Weddings per weekend in Boston and the surrounding areas. If you’ve been to an Indian Wedding in the last year or two, there’s a good chance we had the honor of capturing it.

To see some of our work for Indian Weddings, check out our Indian Wedding Blog page


PTaufiq Wedding Photography & Videography – Travelling with you

We love Destination Weddings. It gives us a beautiful opportunity to capture your love against a unique backdrop and give you images that are unparalleled. Bringing us with you gives you an uncompromised and unparalleled wedding experience. We love little excursions during the day and night to create incredible moments that will leave you completely awestruck.

While we have shot all over the globe, we frequent Punta Cana (Dominican Republic), the Bahamas, Cancun and Riviera Maya in Mexico, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Thailand, Bali, and beyond as they tend to be a great way for your friends and family to unite in a beautiful place to celebrate a beautiful moment with you. We also love traveling to India, Europe and Asia for some jaw dropping photography and videography that will be forever memorialized for you to remember.

What you will get: Luxury Wedding Photography with a team that is as excited about your wedding as you are. Being able to create editorial style shoots in your wedding mixed with both candid and romantic moments, you’ll get the best of both worlds. Our principles are to get epic, mesmerizing, otherworldly photos and videos that will stand the test of time. If you’re having your wedding in a beautiful place or venue, with so much attention to detail, you need a photographer and videographer who knows exactly how to capture all that gorgeous beauty of a wedding day without missing a beat.


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