
PancakeSwap CAKE Staking Explained

Staking is a common practice in other cryptocurrency exchanges, and the users that add liquidity earn a direct reward depending on the staked amount.

How Pancakeswap staking works:

  • Cake holders decide to earn tokens through staking;
  • By staking CAKE tokens, the users provide liquidity to the network;
  • Becoming a liquidity provider translated into getting staking rewards in the form of additional tokens (CAKE).

In this case, users earn LP tokens and a portion of the trading fees generated on the platform.

How to buy PancakeSwap in 4 easy steps

The process can take as little as 15 minutes, and you'll need a smartphone or computer, an internet connection, photo identification, and a means of payment.

  • exchange

    Compare crypto exchanges

    The easiest way to buy PancakeSwap is from a cryptocurrency exchange. Comparing in the table below lets you find one with the features you want, such as low fees, ease of use, or 24-hour customer support.

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    Create an account

    To create an account on an exchange, you will need to verify your email address and identity. Have some photo ID and your phone ready.

  • pancakeswap swap

    Make a deposit

    Once verified, you can deposit $ using the payment method that best suits you – bank transfer, credit card, debit card, and bank transfer (sepa) payments are widely accepted.