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Icelandic Trademark ~ since 1942

The Trademark Icelandic stands for premium Icelandic seafood products, sustainably sourced from Iceland’s clean waters.

The trademark

Our brand stands for premium seafood products, sustainably sourced from Iceland’s clean waters. With decades of experience in the international fishing industry, the Icelandic Brand "Icelandic" has strong ties with the Icelandic Seafood Industry.

The trademark

Seafood industry

Built on 75 years of history, Icelandic Sea­food is known throug­hout internati­onal mar­kets for its super­ior quality. Today's modern Icelandic fis­hing indus­try revolves around sustaina­bility, closely monitor­ing fis­hing stocks, and cont­inu­ously improving our bus­iness's efficiency.

Seafood industry

Seafood gourmet

In Ice­land we enjoy a culin­ary her­itage founded on innovati­on, pure Icelandic sea­food products, and tra­diti­ons passed down for generati­ons. We live on a remote island surrounded by generous fis­hing grounds. Our access to plentiful fresh fish is unique.

Seafood Gourmet