• Interested in joining the forum?

    If you are a registered member and are seeing this message, it is because you aren't logged in. Please log in with your username and password by clickin the Log in link in the top menu.


Mission Statement

The purpose of this forum is to provide a place for safe and secure communications for people who have been diagnosed with FTD and those who care for loved ones with FTD.
Members are dedicated to supporting one another in a sensitive, respectful and sincere manner.
This forum also encourages increased awareness of FTD within the medical community and the general public, with the belief that knowledge will bring improved access to support networks that are emerging on the internet and elsewhere.

Personal Information

Although we work very hard to keep this forum a safe place, please follow standard internet protocol. Please consider not sharing your full name, and do not share your home address, email address or telephone number. Please protect your personal information! Private information will be removed should it be noticed by a member of staff

Forum Rules

As a global group, our members' beliefs – political, religious, etc – are wide ranged. Members are urged to respect this by refraining from pursuing these topics in posts, except for in the areas provided specifically for them.

Members will not attempt to recruit, sell, or otherwise enter into contract with any member without express permission from the moderators.

Members agree that they will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening or otherwise violative of any laws.

Members will not copy, disburse, or otherwise use the contents of this forum in any form, for any purpose, without the express permission of the individual author and the express permission of the moderators of the forum.

Registration Process!

Because we respect and value the privacy of all of our members, there are a few simple steps in the registration process that must be completed before you will be allowed to view the forum.

  1. The first step is to register
  2. You will receive an email confirming your registration that you must respond to
  3. After you have responded to the email, a moderator will review your introduction and approve you. Once you have been approved, you will receive an email letting you know that you now have full access to the forum!
  4. After your membership is approved, if you would like to, please go to Introductions and introduce yourself, so that we can welcome you properly! It's best to post first in your own thread, so that somebody else's thread doesn't go off track with responses to you. (We love meeting new members!)
If you have any trouble during the registration process, please contact us at [email protected]
