Sunday Services at 9:00am | 10:15am | 11:30am | 5:00pm

Join us on Sundays

9am | 10:15am | 11:30am | 5pm

A place where you belong!

We are more than just a building, we are a family. No matter what season of life you are in, you have a place here at Freshwater. Check out one of our encouraging worship experiences both online and in-person. You will be inspired, feel connected, and challenged to grow closer to Christ. We look forward to seeing you here!

Current Teaching Series

This series is based off of the book, “Looking for the One” by David McIver. It speaks to the notion that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is actively using us to find the one lost sheep—today. 
Each week, we will look at how Jesus searched for the one in His every day life.  How did he bring hope and life to those who were lost, by having simple yet profound conversations?

"We Bring Life" Podcast

Discussing topics and stories that bring life.

 Every week will be different as several topics are brought up, and given attention to.  Not only that, each week there will be a special guest at the ready to provide perspective, and offer additional insight.

An episode will release every other week, and is accessible on all Podcast platforms.

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