
Board Message: Importance of Voting
Your votes count in the upcoming Annual Meeting on June 7 in Anchorage. Do your part by making your voice heard through voting.
Congrats to the 2024 Calista Corporation Shareholder Award Recipients
Calista honors the 2024 Shareholder Award recipients. They are using lessons from our Elders to make an impact in their communities.
Yulista Acquires Colorado Tech Firm
Our Yulista holding line recently acquired DSoft Technology, Engineering & Analysis, Inc., a Colorado Springs, Colorado-based firm specializing in technology, engineering and analysis services to space, defense and civil clients.
President’s Message: Village Utilities
Calista submitted three potential projects into Alaska’s CAPSIS that would benefit many communities in our Region.
Yup’ik Teaching Moment: A Powerful Mind
Umyuaq Tukniuq [OOM-yawk DOOK-niwhk] is Yup’ik for “a powerful mind.” Provided from interviews conducted by Mark John.
Lands In Focus: Make Your Voice Heard On Subsistence
Fed up with salmon bycatch and reduced opportunities for subsistence fishing? Calista strongly supports increased representation by subsistence users in federal decision making and we encourage Shareholders to provide their input as well.
Education For Life: Alaska EXCEL
Alaska EXCEL offers career-focused intensives for rural youth across Alaska. Sessions range from 4-30 days and serve a range of grade levels.