General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 2134767834
Address:729 W. 16th Street, STE A-6, Costa Mesa, CA, 92627




Business Summary
Cabinet hardware is the hardware that is used inside cabinets. It is generally made of steel or wood and can be installed in a variety of ways, including through the use of adhesive, screws, and nails. Cabinet hardware comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Hestia Hardware is a company that believes in the power of design and fine-tuned finishes. Our mission at the cabinet hardware in Costa Mesa is to exceed customer expectations in terms of style, design, and artistic beauty, while also providing the finest quality decorative hardware in the industry at competitive prices. Our team of skilled craftsmen works tirelessly to ensure that each piece is executed with meticulous precision and we continue to seek out new methods of fabrication to further enhance our products. Our diverse collection includes lighting, furniture hardware, wall art, mirrors, and accessories for every room in your home. Cabinet hardware is a vital part of your home's architecture.
Business Keywords
cabinet hardware, cabinet door knobs, cabinet door handles, cabinet door pulls, arched cabinet pulls
General Information
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Website Rank
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