General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 7574816161
Address:"405-407, Dev Nandan Mall, Ashram Road, Opp. Sanyas Ashram" Ellis Bridge




Business Summary
2011 IndyLogix was founded and we have since grown to a team of 50+ specializing in providing complete digital solutions pertaining to Web & Mobile Development, eCommerce and Digital Marketing. Our major clients include Print Media, Digital Agencies, Software Companies, and freelance designers. Initially based in India, we are currently growing to include a physical presence in Australia. Our clients from more than 20+ countries across the globe cementing our position as a leading provider of mobile, web, software and digital marketing Solutions. We have the skills and ability to: - Maintain the latest international delivery standards - Handle tight schedules, and deliver quality work - Meet client budgets - Assist our clients to achieve business growthIn
Business Keywords
Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Mobile App Development
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 858


Product & Services

not complete

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