General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 8643333333
Address:607 PENDLETON ST #101-A, GREENVILLE, SC, 29601




Business Summary
Hi-Tec Building Services is a Jenison commercial cleaning services company that specializes in the post-construction cleaning. We understand how important it is for the building to be clean and ready for occupancy. This is why we take our time when doing these projects, paying attention to even the smallest of details. Hi-Tec Building Services specializes in Grand Rapids construction cleaning services. Our team is trained to be thorough and detailed in their work, which means that the building will be ready for occupants to move in as soon as possible. We understand how important this is so we make it our priority.
Business Keywords
Jenison commercial cleaning services, Grand Rapids construction cleaning services, Jenison hospital cleaning services, Grand Rapids professional cleaning services, Jenison cleaning services, commercial cleaning services near me, construction cleaning services near me, hospital cleaning services near me, professional cleaning services near me, cleaning services near me, commercial cleaning services Grand Rapids, construction cleaning services Jenison, hospital cleaning services Grand Rapids, professional cleaning services Jenison, cleaning services Grand Rapids
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 376


Product & Services

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