General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 281-903-7527
Address:7616 Branford Place Suite 110, Sugar Land, TX 77479




Business Summary
Dr. Osborne and the team at Origins Healthcare use a functional medicine/nutrition approach. This form of personalized health care focuses on identifying nutrition, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors that can be changed to improve overall health and wellness. In essence, functional medicine is not traditional medicine. No medications, controlled substances, drugs, surgeries, injections, etc are used. The functional medicine approach is a partnership between the client and the practitioner. The goal of this partnership is to bring the client back to health by identifying what lifestyle factors should be changed based on the unique circumstances of the individual. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor.
Business Keywords
is quinoa gluten-free, pepperoni gluten-free, gluten intolerance quiz
General Information
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