General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:Santa Barbara, California, United States 93107




Business Summary
Optiwatt helps you track your Tesla spending! Monitor at-home Tesla charging costs and gas savings using your exact electricity rates. Charge your Tesla the smart way - Optiwatt automatically schedules your Tesla to charge during the cheapest electricity rates and tracks your exact spending Optiwatt uses your exact electricity rates so you can track and save when charging How does it work? We connect home electricity rate data with Tesla battery metrics to show you the cost of every charge. Step 1: Connect Tesla. Securely login to your Tesla app. We will never store your password. Step 2: Add Home Automatically find your electric utility costs using your home address. Step 3: Track Spending See your Tesla's impact on your electric bill. We also use home electricity rates and real-time gas prices in your area to accurately calculate the amount you save by driving electric!
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Website Rank
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Product & Services

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  • Charge your Tesla

    Charge your Tesla

  • How long does it take to charge a tesla

    How long does it take to charge a tesla

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