The Big Bang theory was always inadequate. It tries to relegate electricity to a minor role in space. The universe consists of a series of spiral bodies of diminishing size, each made in turn by plasma ejection and moulded by a spatial Coriolis effect: a rotating fractal universe (Grand Unified Theory).
GUT, Grand Unified Theory, GUFT, fractal universe, Fractal Universe, fractaluniverse, FractalUniverse, fractal-universe, Fractal-Universe, Cosmology, Alternative cosmology, Colin Hill, Accretion disk, alternator, Anti-matter, arc, big bang myth, black hole myth, Bondi Hermann, butterfly sunspot pattern, Cepheid variable star, chaos, comet, Coriolis effect, crater, cosmic background radiation, creation of matter, critical ion velocity, Cygnus, dark matter myth, dark energy myth, dwarf spherical galaxies, dynamo, entropy, electromagnetic force, earth ejections, equatorial electrojet, fractal hierarchy, Ganymeade crater, galaxy formation, galaxy chain, Gold Thomas, gravity, Hale-Bop, Halton Arp, Hyakutake, hydrogen fusion, Fred Hoyle, hierarchy, hurricane, Io, ion, ionised gas, inflation myth, jet, meteor, Mjolnir crater, monopole myth, extra-terrestrial intelligence, extra-terrestrials, magnetic field, moon crater, Milky Way, Markarian galaxy chain, Mars crater, Maunder minimum, Mercury