General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 9184951551
Address:8301 E 74th Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74133




Business Summary
First Commercial Real Estate is a brokerage and consulting firm that specializes in the management and sale of multifamily properties in Tulsa, OK as well as the central states region, and the sale of land in the state of Oklahoma. As specialists, our Tulsa property management knowledge and experience allows us to provide a high level of service to our Clients. Our focus is to build lasting relationships and long term Clients who reap the rewards of our expertise. Please give us a call and find out the benefits of being a First Commercial Client. Our First Commercial Brokers work as a team to better serve our Clients and Customers. All of the brokers in the office are kept abreast of all transactions so, should a problem arise, another broker who has had a similar experience or encountered a similar problem can step in to assist the primary brokerage team.
Business Keywords
Tulsa property management, Tulsa apartment management, Tulsa HOA management, Tulsa condo management, Tulsa commercial properties
General Information
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Website Rank
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