General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:101 Greenwich St New York, NY 10006


101 Greenwich St



Business Summary
The estate planning attorney is very helpful during your estate planning. Well versed in the estate laws of New York, he understands the right steps to take and what estate planning tools to use to actualize your goals to your best interests. He also understands the federal and state laws which can affect your estate and its disposal after your death, and would work with you to find ways to avoid the negative effects of such laws, while taking advantage of the beneficial ones. Some of the areas where the estate planning attorney NY will help you include: Helping you create a Last Will and Testament that expresses with utmost clarity the manner in which assets in your name should be distributed after your death, the beneficiaries to receive them, the executor who you’ve chosen to represent you when you’re no more, and also appointing a guardian for minors. Creating a durable financial power of attorney to appoint someone who would handle your financial affairs on your behalf during your
Business Keywords
Estate planning attorney, estate planning attorney near me, best estate planning attorney, estate planning lawyer, estate planning lawyer near me, best estate planning lawyer, estate planing, estate planing law firm, estate planing law company, best estate planing law firm, Manhattan, NYC, NY
General Information
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