General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 408-455-8730
Country: United States
Address:1884 Curtner Ave San Jose, CA 95124




Business Summary
Experience the elegance of a new you at Elegante Hair Studio, San Jose's premier hair salon. Elegante Hair Studio is a hair salon San Jose and beauty salon San Jose. Our team of expert stylists will create a look that's both stylish and flattering, whether you're looking for a new haircut, color, or style. We also offer a variety of other services, including makeup, facial, and extensions. Book your appointment today!
Business Keywords
haircut San Jose, facial San Jose, hairstylist San Jose, hair salon San Jose, beauty salon San Jose, haircut in San Jose, hair color in San Jose, hair extensions in San Jose, facial in San Jose, makeup in San Jose, hairstylist in San Jose, highlights in San Jose, balayage in San Jose, hair salon in San Jose, top-rated salon in San Jose, best salon in San Jose, best hair salon San Jose.
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 219


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Product & Services

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