General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 6194740122
Country: United States
Address:1477 E. Plaza Blvd. National City CA 91950




Business Summary
Hollywood Music is a Music and Dance School located in San Diego, Servicing the areas of National City, Paradise Hills, Paradise Valley, Spring Valley, Chula Vista and Bonita. Established in 1994, its goal was to build confidence through Music and Dance classes. The owners believe that confidence is vital to their student s success in their chosen endeavors when they get older. Hollywood Music lays the foundation and helps their students build their self esteem through performances. Recitals are not mandatory but the students are encouraged to perform at its twice a year events, Music Lessons are offered in small group setting or one on one. You can request a free trial in one of the following instruments. Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, Drums, Violin, Voice or Singing. Dance classes are offered to 3 years old and up with twice a year performances as well.
Business Keywords
Music and Dance classes
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 652


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