Geophysics, geomagnetics, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), prospection - eastern atlas performs scientific, technical services in the fields of archaeological prospection / engineering and environmental geophysics
geophysics, geomagnetics, Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR, magnetics, radar, prospection, archaeology, archaeometry, geoelectrics, electrics, environmental geophysics, geology, abandoned polluted areas, brownfields, building ground, foundation soil, deposits, seismics, tomography, tomogram, borehole tomography, non-destructive, site investigation, soil exploration, historical research, remote sensing, CAD, GIS, grave find, cavities, flood protection, flood, dike protection, castles, castle wall systems, fort, settlement archeaology, city map, excavation, research, soil, soil investigation, excavation method, archaeological excavation, drilling, bore hole, soil probe, depth, triage, 3D, visualisation, Tell, technique, measuring technique, data logger, gradiometer, multiple electrode system