General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 859-433-9777
Country: United States
Address:710 E Main St, Lexington, KY 40502




Business Summary
For nearly a decade I have been representing the people of North Alabama who have been victims to accidents. I have seen firsthand the impact a wreck can have on a victim and their families. It is way more than the physical injuries and creeps into all aspects of their family lives. When you call our firm, you get an attorney who is a friend and neighbor; the Local Lawyer of North Alabama. Like you, I am a North Alabama native. I was raised in the cotton fields of Monrovia and chose to return here after law school. I met my wife here, and we are raising our family here. I look forward to serving you as your Local Lawyer.
Business Keywords
Personal injury law firm, Car accident lawyer, Personal injury attorney in Lexington, Wrongful Death Lawyer, law firm near me, Car accident lawyer near me
General Information
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Website Rank
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