General Information

Country: South Africa (local time:)
Phone: 823143439
Address:102, The Mediterranean, 32A Arthurs road, Sea Point, Cape Town, Western CApe, 8005




Business Summary
My sister in Australia was diagnosed with acute leukaemia in August 2012. She started chemotherapy the day after diagnosis, with no time to prepare. Her hair all fell out right after the first 5-day cycle of chemo. This was much sooner than she had expected and added additional stress on top of everything else she was dealing with. She sent me a photo of herself with a scarf wrapped around her head, looking so sad. I decided to fly out to be with her for the second course of chemo and began looking for some head wear to take along. I couldn’t find anything suitable in South Africa but was amazed at the number of international products I found, and at how beautiful these hats were. My sister was very grateful for these hats because they gave her back her dignity. Having soft feminine headwear allowed her to face her family and friends again with confidence.
Business Keywords
Hats for Cancer Patients, Trendy Chemo Headwear, Sleep Cap for Sale, Ladies Chemo Headwear
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 398


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