General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 1300 887 495
Country: Australia
State/Part: Queensland
City: Brisbane
Address:U7, 27 Mayneview St, Milton, QLD, 4064




Business Summary
Founded as a Telstra business dealership in 2000, Com2 Communications has a long history of working within the modern business landscape, understanding the challenges businesses face and how to assist your business to stay at the cutting edge of today’s telecommunications technologies. Com2 Communications has diversified into a company who now offers advanced products in the field of telecommunications equipment and software, SIP, data and information technology, delivering our customers greater business efficiencies, business continuity, redundancy and productivity. With decades of experiences in the Telecommunications Industry, Mark, John and the team have the expertise to deliver smart and efficient solutions on time and on budget. With our consultative approach, Com2 Communications has developed into a leading provider of whole-of-business solutions to Small, Medium, and large corporate clients. We take pride in being the right choice for all your Business Communications requirem
Business Keywords
Phone Systems
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 36


Product & Services

not complete

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