General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 6479290436
Address:400 Matheson Blvd East


Bling and Bells
400 Matheson Blvd East, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada



Business Summary
Bling and Bells is a one-stop event and home decor company specializing in the South Asian Wedding industry in Toronto. They offer turn-key decor solution for every wedding need. To make the South Asia Weddings across Toronto and the GTA easier and better Neha Chopra, the founder and director of Bling and Bells decided to start offering a shopping and rental experience like no one else.They are an e-commerce platform where you can shop and rent items required for South Asian Weddings and Events. They are an online based wholesale and distribution center located in Mississauga Ontario since 2015. They specialize in Ethnic, traditional and unique gifts and decor rentals that will add a WOW factor to your event.Their inventory is growing every day and as they add new products.
Business Keywords
Marigold Garland, Wedding Decor Rentals, Dream Catcher, Wedding Rental
General Information
Type of Business:
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Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 1087


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Product & Services

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