General Information

Country: United Kingdom (local time:)
Phone: 01782 681214
Country: United Kingdom
Address:Appraisal360, Third Eye Resolutions Ltd, Westlands House, Stone Rd, Hill Chorlton, Newcastle under Lyme, ST5 5DR




Business Summary
Imagine your boss was the only person giving you feedback on your performance. Sadly that’s still the reality of professional development for many people today. 360-degree feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, 360 review or 360 degree appraisal, is designed to get around this. You’re rated on your performance by people who know something about you and your work. You complete your own self-assessment which is compared against feedback from your colleagues. Direct reports, peers, managers, customers or clients, in fact anybody whose opinion you respect and who is familiar with you and your work can be included in the feedback process. This multi-source approach can give real insight into how different groups see you as a person. Most major companies now use 360 degree feedback as part of their appraisal and development process, and now you can too. In fact you can start right now – you’ll be able to gather feedback, get a free mini-report and use our free online learning material
Business Keywords
360 degree feedback, 360 degree appraisal, Questionnaire design, Project Administration, Facilitator Training for 360°
General Information
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Website Rank
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