General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 702-478-5533
Address:420 E Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104, USA




Business Summary
Sahara Wellness is a medical and recreational dispensary located at 420 E Sahara, which is just East of the World Famous Las Vegas Strip. It was established at our inception as a world class medical marijuana dispensary. Our knowledgeable bud-tenders are trained to educate medical marijuana patients on best recommendations for specific ailments. Our doors are now open, and we welcome both recreational and medical marijuana patients. We have maintained our commitment to serving the medical community through sponsored events and gatherings.
Business Keywords
Las Vegas Dispensary, Dispensary downtown Las Vegas, Las Vegas Cannabis Dispensary, Dispensary Las Vegas, Dispensary Near Me
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 106


Product & Services

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