How to Survive and Prevent a House Fire
How to Survive and Fire Proof Your Home
Learn the facts about house fires in the U.S. and Indiana
Learn how to prevent a house fire
Get educated on what to do in case you have a house fire
The facts about house fires in America and Indiana
House fires are extremely dangerous and often preventable. To understand the seriousness of the situation let’s take a look at some facts.
5th Leading Cause of Death in Indiana: Based on hospital discharge data for the years between 2003 to 2006 more than 2% of all hospitalizations were outpatient visits totaling to $71 million in hospital bills. This does not include property damage, insurance premiums and other financial costs.
3rd Most Common Cause of Home Related Deaths in U.S.: People at most risk are aged 65-years and older and children younger than 6-years old. The CDC also has data showing most residential fires occur during the winter months and half of fires occur in homes without smoke alarms.
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