Explore Our Offering

We are committed to provide the highest level of technical expertise to help businesses achieve their goals.

Team Augmentation


Business Excellence & Recognition

We take immense pride in being recognized and acclaimed by independent premier ratings and reviews platforms for buyers of B2B services.

About Softellar

Softellar is a full-cycle software development and IT staff augmentation company. We strive to provide our clients with high-quality, comprehensive, and customized digital solutions to enhance their business processes, increase efficiency and drive growth.

Our corporate mission is to create meaningful impact on our clients’ businesses, their customers, and the world around us.


In-house experts


Completed projects


Years of experience


Clients retention

Our Key Advantages

We are a team of experienced professionals who are passionate about delivering high-quality solutions. Our team consists of experts in software development, data engineering, cloud computing, and more.

Top Engineers

With 70% of senior engineers, each with an average of 12+ years in IT, we have the experience and knowledge to deliver results.

Global Reach

Based in Central Europe, our team operates within the Central European Time (CET) zone, allowing us to work closely with clients in Europe, North America, and beyond.

Flexible Approach

We offer flexible engagement models that can be tailored to suit specific business requirements, allowing us to adapt to the unique needs of our clients.

Softellar’s Approach to Digital Transformation

Flexible, collaborative, and focused on achieving tangible business outcomes.


Discovery & Assessment

We discover your current business processes, technology landscape, and goals to identify areas that can benefit from digital transformation.


Strategy & Planning

We develop a comprehensive digital transformation strategy that includes timelines, milestones, and resources required for the project.


Solution Design & Development

We design and develop the digital solution. This can involve selecting the right technologies, developing custom software, integrating systems or automating processes.


Testing & Quality Assurance

We conduct testing at various stages of the project to ensure that the digital solution meets the highest quality standards.


Deployment & Integration

We deploy the digital solution and integrate it with existing systems and processes to ensure a smooth transition, and minimizing disruption and downtime.


Continuous Improvement

We continuously monitor and optimize the digital solution to ensure it remains effective and aligned with evolving business needs.

Discover Our Proven Technology Stack

We leverage our proven technology stack as a foundation, but are also adaptable to learning and utilizing other technologies as needed.

Take a Look at These Leaders Who Already Trust Us

We take pride in being trusted partners of these leading companies. We are thrilled and honored that our expertise and services have been instrumental in helping them achieve their business goals.

Find Out What Our Clients Say About Us

It’s always the best source to hear from others who have already worked with us.

How We Work With Our Clients

We aim to provide a seamless and collaborative experience for our clients throughout the entire project lifecycle, from initial consultation to post-project support, to achieve their business goals effectively and efficiently.



We begin by having an initial consultation to understand your business goals, project requirements, and desired outcomes.


Assessment & Planning

We conduct a project assessment and provide a detailed project plan, including timelines, milestones, and deliverables.


Agreement & Onboarding

We create a formal agreement that outlines the scope of work and timelines. Then we setup communication channels and align the team.


Project Launch & Execution

We follow agile methodologies for project management, providing regular progress updates, and maintaining open communication throughout the project lifecycle.


Quality Assurance & Delivery

We prioritize quality assurance to ensure the deliverables meet the highest quality standards.


Post-Project Support

We provide post-project support, including maintenance, updates, and technical assistance.

Talk to Us!

We help you grow your business with digital transformation. Let’s have a chat and find out how we can help you succeed in achieving your business goals.

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    We are here for you in every way possible. Please write directly to contact@softellar.com and we get back to you within one business day.

    Our Office

    Vogla 28/02.54
    02-963 Warsaw