40/2 Seafield Road East
EH15 1ED

Telephone: 0131 669 4555

City School of Motorcycling has closed, as a result the following domain names are now available and listed on Sedo.com



Please note that we are now closed so cannot accept any new bookings, thank you. The inforation below is general for anyone looking to take a CBT.

City School of MotorCycling 2000 - 2024

City School of Motorcyling based in Edinburgh, has been in operation since March 2000. Sadly after 24 years in business the climate in which we operate has changed a lot. We have taken the difficult decision to finish at the end of April this year.

In our time we have issued over 14, 250 CBT certificates and have taken on average about 115 people per year through to the full licence.

It has been an amazing time and we have met some great people along the way, for which we are grateful, not everyone gets to do a job like ours

There are probably as many different reasons as there are riders. Whatever your personal motivation we have helped many make their goal a reality.

Many people chose us because we were recommended by a friend.

Thank you to everyone who helped us start up, worked here, took training here and especially those who recommended us to frends and family.

Ridefree pre CBT training

There is a free online course to help you prepare for your CBT you can access it by following this link Ridefree

Once you have passed the 5 modules you will be emailed a certificate.

CBT from 01.12.2023

With costs continuing to increase, in order to maintain small group size and maintain the quality of training it has become necessary to raise the price of the novice CBT to £ 195.00. We will also be introducing amended terms and conditions for this course.

There will now be a charge for CBT continuation. We have held off on this as long as possible, but with more people requiring extra tuition these extra hours need to be paid for rather than subsidised by oother courses

Whre a course is cancelled without one clear day notice the fee will be forfeit.

Quick Contact

If our web-site does not contain the answer to your enquiry please e-mail us using the link contact us or call us on 0131 669 4555