Welcome to STF!

Home of the oldest, and the best, free Star Trek Role-Playing found on the internet! Founded in 1991 on the Prodigy network, STF has continued to grow and evolve with the times, creating a unique home on the internet. Today, the award winning STF has over a hundred players, playing on 26 RP environments, across multiple fleets. Come explore the wonders of STF today!

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Latest News

STF Awards - Voting Open!

The nominations are in! It’s now time for you to vote for those nominated for an STF Award. Please do take the time to share your appreciation for those who contribute so much to the club. You do not have to vote for every category, but please do vote where you can on the Voting Page.

Voting will be open until Monday 10th June, with the award ceremony on Sunday 16th June (probably around 12 noon EDT). Details will be confirmed closer to the time.

Happy voting!

CMM Lead

Submitted by Jack Dipper to Marketing & Events on May 27, 2024, 3:52 p.m.

STF Awards - Nomination Extension

The nomination period for the STF Awards is being extended until Tuesday 21 May, to make sure everyone gets chance to nominate.

Please do nominate - this is your chance to say “well done” to your fellow role players. You don’t need to fill in every box on the nomination form, just fill in as much as you feel you are able to.

As always, do feel free to drop Linds or me an email via our contact forms for any support!

CMM Lead

Submitted by Jack Dipper to Marketing & Events on May 16, 2024, 5:36 p.m.

STF Awards - Nominations Open!

It’s STF Award season! This is your opportunity to highlight the incredible contributions and memorable performances of your fellow role players. Head over to the nomination page and show your appreciation for the stars of our community.

Nominations will run until Wednesday, 15th May, when it will be your turn to vote for those nominated. Voting will begin on Friday, 17th May and will continue until Sunday, 26th May.

The awards ceremony, where we will celebrate the achievements and creative flair of our club’s members, will take place late May or early June. So that we can work out when is best, please fill in the free text box on the form under “What times do you like for the Awards?” with any combination of times that work for you. Please ignore the times with the checkboxes.

We are looking for volunteers to present the awards, so please do volunteer using the nomination form. Fear not, the CMMB will be there to ensure everything goes smoothly.

If there are any questions, please drop Linds or me an email via our contact form. We are both looking forward to celebrating another STF Award season!

Submitted by Jack Dipper to Marketing & Events on May 8, 2024, 2:30 p.m.

Correction to Mod App Deadline

It was pointed out to me that the deadline stated for the mod apps were not accurate since today, Friday, is the 26th. The deadline is still the 27th being Saturday. Sorry for the confusion.

Submitted by Matt Evans to The Technical Board on April 26, 2024, 1:29 p.m.

Moderator Applications Open

A heads up that we are taking applications for mods on the server. Please see the relevant post in Command here:


Submitted by Matt Evans to The Technical Board on April 21, 2024, 3:10 p.m.

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