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Online Education

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What We Do

A complete school solution

Matrusri, a leading publishing company specializing in educational books for pre-primary, primary, and high school levels, is dedicated to providing engaging resources to teachers. Our books feature instructor-led activities, assessments, projects, experiments, and stimulating content that encourages critical thinking in key subjects.

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Homework Plans

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Physical Fitness Fun

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Outdoor Discovery

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Sensory Play Sessions

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Social Skills Development

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Music and Movemen

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Why Choose Us

What Make Us Different from Others

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Working hours

During these hours, our dedicated team is available to assist you with your inquiries, orders, and any other assistance you may require. You can reach us through various channels including phone, email, and our website.

Mon-Thu 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Sat-Sun 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM


Celebrating Preschool Achievements

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Preschool Picasso Showcase

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Tales and Tidbits

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Explorers Day: Reach for the Stars

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