Since 1983 the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild has worked to support the development of the book arts in Canada. This web site is dedicated to that effort. The book arts include bookbinding, artists' books, papermaking, calligraphy, letterpress printing and typography, wood engraving, paper decorating, restoration, and conservation.

Home: a collaborative CBBAG exhibition at E.J. Pratt Library, University of Toronto

May 13 - Aug 3, 2024


A collaborative project by members of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild. Twenty-five members came together to make prints and bindings on the theme, each book contains the prints by all the members of the group. Participants joined in from British Columbia to Nova Scotia.

E.J. Pratt Library, Victoria University, University of Toronto

71 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto ON M5S 1K7

Open 9.00 am - 4.45 pm, Monday - Friday (closed Saturday, Sunday, and holidays)

Opening Reception Friday, May 24, 2024, 2.30 - 4.45 pm

Participating artists:

Claire Battershill, Toronto ON
Kari Bronaugh, Owen Sound ON
Joan Byers, North Saanich BC
Adriana Caldeira, Oakville ON
Robin Canham, Regina SK
Gail FK Chin, Regina SK
Carolyn Christenson-Qualle, Calgary AB
Meg Clark, Fredericton NB
Sandie Collins, Windsor ON
Carolyn Eady, Toronto ON
Barbara Helander, Caledon East ON
Lisa Heron, Regina SK
Andrew Huot, Toronto ON
Jenny Iserman, Walkerton ON
Jes Lee, Minneapolis MN USA
Liz Menard, Toronto ON
Rhonda Miller, Halifax NS
Claire Milne, Toronto ON
Rose Morley, Guelph ON
Marianne Paul, Kitchener ON
Anna Payne-Krzyzanowski, Toronto ON
William Rueter, Dundas ON
Gabriella Solti, London ON
Jaqui Thompson, Victoria BC
Hannah Verster, Thamesville ON

The Floating Panel Book with Andrew Huot

Online, Thursday, July 25, 2024 6-9 PM (EDT)

The floating panel book, or panel panorama, is a book structure invented by book artist Hedi Kyle.

This structure is based on the accordion book but has hinged panels that display flat to the viewer.

These panels swivel and can show a set of images both on the front and back of the structure.

Cost: $65 members, $125 nonmembers. Registration information

Lunch & Tour of the LeaskDale Manse

former home of L.M.Montgomery

11850 Durham Regional Road 1, Leaskdale ON  L0C 1C0

Saturday, July 27, 2024, 11.30 a.m.

Click to register: Admission: $20 each (includes lunch and then a tour of the manse)

Lunch includes a salad, sandwich, tea, and scone for dessert

The visit to the property will begin at 11.30 a.m. with lunch in the tea room of the former St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. While there, you can browse the gift shop and look at the many artifacts that belonged to L.M. Montgomery. After tea, we will proceed to the manse for the tour.

Kindred Spirits: The Lucy Maud Montgomery Legacy as Interpreted by Contemporary Book Artists

Visit the exhibition's website:  kindred-spirits-bookarts.com

The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild gratefully acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada:

FacebookInstagram and Youtube (for exclusive lecture recording, BEYOND ANNE OF GREEN GABLES presented by Kathy Wasylenky from Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario).

Bookbinding 1 INTENSIVE with Barbara Helander

In person, August 11 - 16, 2024, 9.00 a.m. - 5 p.m., in Caledon East ON

This workshop is an introduction to the craft of bookbinding. During six days. Participants will receive instruction on how to use a variety of tools and will learn about bookbinding materials in general.

The workshop starts with the making of a few simple pamphlet structures and culminates with the binding of two case-bound, flat-back books. The workshop will provide participants with the knowledge and skills they need to explore bookbinding independently or pursue further education in the field.

This workshop is the first of the CBBAG core curriculum workshops and is a prerequisite for many other workshops.

$630 members / $485 student members / $690 non-members

Materials: $70 payable to instructor

Registration Deadline: July 28, 2024



Work & Hobby

Bookbinding consists of many different types of work, particularly in North America where it can be difficult to specialize and make a living.

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Book Arts arts du livre Canada is published twice a year. It features book arts events, book artists, book and exhibition reviews, technical articles, and historical essays.

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CBBAG has a few curated lists of resources that we think will be of use to bookbinders and book artists. 

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Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG)

Charitable Business Number 89179 5445 RR0001

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