General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 765-436-0825
Address:3413 S Wallick Rd




Business Summary
Nestled in the serene setting of Wallick Rd, Peru, IN, The Grove Estate stands as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking recovery from substance use disorders. Our facility is dedicated to providing comprehensive drug rehab near me services that address not only primary addiction issues but also accompanying mental health concerns and trauma. At The Grove Estate, we understand that recovery is a deeply personal journey that requires a holistic approach, which is why our program emphasizes whole-person healing. Our experienced professionals employ evidence-based therapies that nurture both physical health and emotional well-being. We believe in creating a supportive environment where every individual can find the strength to overcome dependency and rediscover the joy of sober living. At The Grove Estate, you're not just another number; you're part of our community committed to helping you achieve lasting recovery.
Business Keywords
addiction treatment centers near me, drug rehab near me, luxury drug rehab indiana, addiction treatment peru, addiction treatment indiana, drug rehab indiana
General Information
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