General Information

Country: Israel (local time:)
Address:HaTe'ena St 4, Jerusalem




Business Summary
At Doodle Video we live and breathe animation for many years and specialize in creating professional animation videos for businesses and companies. As experts in the field, we know exactly what works (and what doesn't) and that's why we provide a wide range of services ranging from image and branding videos, through instructional and informational videos to videos Effective marketing that will connect your brand to success and help recruit new customers. In addition, we specialize in whiteboard animation videos (or by their other name - doodle videos) with original illustrations customized for each business. Our team of animators and designers have a lot of experience in creating high-quality, cool and fascinating animation videos , when we combine design, movement, color and sound to create a perfect viewing experience for your surfers. For a quote or initial consultation at no cost - contact us today!
Business Keywords
Animation videos
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
- visit: 77


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